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Comp Claim To Tackle? Call Sawers & Sackel.

Work-Related Slip-and-Fall Lawyers in Buffalo, NY

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Expertise.com | Best Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Buffalo | 2021 Expertise.com | Best Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Buffalo | 2022 Expertise.com | Best Workers' Compensation Attorneys in Buffalo | 2023

At Sawers & Sackel, a law firm in Buffalo, New York, our goal is to maximize compensation for victims of work-related slip-and-fall accidents.

If you have suffered workplace injuries in this type of accident, you can count on our attorneys and our legal team to help you get the medical benefits, wage benefits, and other workers’ compensation benefits you are entitled to. For decades, we have stood up for the rights of workers in Buffalo and throughout western New York who have suffered head injuries, back injuries, wrist injuries, sprained ankles, and other injuries in slip-and-fall accidents at work.

What Caused the Slip-and-Fall Accident?

Slip-and-fall accidents are typically the result of spills in the workplace, but they may also be caused by leaks. Claims may also involve ice, snow, or rain accumulation in workplace entranceways or on work grounds. Trip-and-fall accidents in the workplace are also common. These may be caused by debris or objects left in walkways, such as parts or tools.

The accident did not have to occur on the work site for you to be eligible for workers’ compensation. You can get benefits if the accident occurs within the scope of work duties. For example, a delivery driver who slips and falls and suffers a serious injury while making a delivery is eligible for workers’ compensation.

Call 716-202-2367 or send an email to schedule a free consultation. All cases are handled on a contingent fee basis. We do not get paid until you get paid.

Our team of lawyers and legal professionals strives to make the process easy for slip-and-fall injury victims, minimizing the need to travel to our office by resolving issues electronically, by phone, or by mail.