How can your employer help you stay on the job after an injury?
Workplace injuries are not a temporary inconvenience. Often, they cause medical consequences that last for months or years. A broken bone, repetitive motion injury or laceration could leave you unable to perform your job responsibilities until you fully heal.
Time away from work can be a difficult adjustment for employees. While workers’ compensation will fully cover an employee’s medical treatments, it will only replace at most two-thirds of their average weekly wages.
Being able to stay on the job despite your limitations sometimes can be a good option for you and your employer. Let’s look at how your employer can help you return to work when an injury leaves you unable to do your usual tasks.
Ask for reasonable medical accommodations
When you have a documented workplace injury, your employer should do your best to accommodate you. If they can help you by offering certain supports, you could potentially get back to work.
Making alterations to workplace facilities, like the addition of a ramp outside or an accessible bathroom, could be an important accommodation. Some workers could do their jobs from home while they recover. Requesting light-duty work responsibilities could also be an option.
Your physician can provide a list of limitations, and your employer can potentially adjust your job responsibilities to reflect the restrictions.
Medical documentation is important
To make a compelling request for accommodations to your employer, you likely will need medical documentation. This is only one reason why it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible after experiencing an injury or symptoms.
Exploring all of your options when you get hurt on the job can help you make a claim for benefits and minimize the lasting impact of your work injury on your finances and career. To understand the benefits available through workers’ compensation, contact an attorney who is experienced in workers’ comp law.
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