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Comp Claim To Tackle? Call Sawers & Sackel.

Buffalo, New York, Workers’ Compensation Legal Blog

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Causes and penalties for workers’ comp delays

Filing for workers’ compensation benefits is a paperwork-laden process for all the parties involved, whether an employer, insurance company, or employee.

To prevent delays of any kind, either by accident or design, the law contains provisions under which the Workers’ Compensation Board can impose penalties. Infractions and their potential penalties include, but are not limited to:

As noted earlier, all parties face paperwork burdens with workers’ compensation. Having an experienced workers’ compensation law firm at your side will assist in moving your case forward and ensuring that the insurance company is doing everything they should be, and doing it on time.

Do you have workers’ comp questions?

Workers’ compensation benefits provide medical care and financial support to employees who are hurt on the job. If you are an injured worker, hiring an experienced workers’ comp lawyer can help you get the benefits you deserve.