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New York State takes workers’ compensation fraud seriously

Fraud can be found in a number of factual situations, against a number of involved parties. The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board has an Office of the Fraud Inspector General. This office investigates any allegation by any party against the workers’ compensation system. These might include:

Consequences of workers’ comp fraud

If a workers’ compensation law judge finds fraud was committed by a claimant, they must assess the mandatory penalty under the law, which is disqualification of the claimant’s monetary benefits directly associated with the fraud. Additionally, the judge may assess a discretionary penalty under the law, which disqualifies the claimant from all future monetary benefits.

The Office of the Fraud Inspector General will refer cases to the local district attorney for criminal prosecution. If found to have committed criminal fraud, an offender can be charged with a class E felony. Under state sentencing guidelines, penalties for a conviction can include a prison term up to four years.

How to get answers

When you are hurt at work, the goal is to get the benefits to which you are entitled. The last thing you want is to jeopardize your benefits by misrepresenting anything in the claim. If you have questions about applying for benefits, get answers from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.