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Buffalo, New York, Workers’ Compensation Legal Blog

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Who is and is not covered by New York workers’ compensation?

In New York state, employers have an obligation to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage, regardless of fault. This means if you are hurt on the job, you can obtain immediate medical care, as well as longer-term rehabilitation treatment if it’s necessary. In the event your work injury or illness causes you to lose time from work, you may be entitled to monetary compensation.

So who exactly is covered? The list is long but does have limits. One of the key factors that determines who must be covered is the employer’s business status.

Coverage must be provided:

As you likely gather from that last statement, the requirements for those in the nonprofit realm are not always covered. Those not covered include:

While almost all employees are covered by workers’ compensation, exceptions clearly exist. To be sure of your specific rights when you are hurt, consult an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.